I must say that this is an adventure. I came to Alaska to ride my bike and I am building a deck. The new adventure begins on June 3. I will ride to Girdwood, Alaska,which is about 36 miles from Anchorage. On June 4 I will ride to Whittier, Alaska, which is about 24 miles from Girdwood. At Whittier I have to wait for Jim Jr. to drive me through the tunnel. There is only one road into Whittier and it goes through a tunnel. No bikes, no walking through the tunnel. In Whittier I will catch the ferry to Bellingham, Washington. I will spend five nights on the ferry between Whittier and Bellingham. From Bellingham I plan to ride my bike to Saint Paul, Minnesota. I will take a route mapped out by Adventure Cycling Association and I will use their maps. On my travels I will update this blog whenever possible. Feel free to follow along and post a comment or email me at silverfox.jim@aol.com

Sunday, June 17, 2012

End of the Adventure

I'm home, so the adventure is over.  I must say that it has been an excellent adventure.  We spent two nights at the cabin and came home on Saturday.  I want to thank everyone for following my blog.  It was always great to get comments.  I am comfortable with my decision to call off the adventure.  I did travel a lot of miles to make that decision.  I also spend a lot of money and accumulated a lot of stuff in the process.  The ferry ride was great.  There was a group on the ferry that reminds me of my coffee group.  The group on the ferry are the smokers who go to the back of the boat to the smoking area and solve the world's problems.  That is kind of what the coffee group does, except with coffee.  Great group of people.  Both groups.  I know when I get back to coffee they are going to say "What were you thinking anyway?". 

A big thanks to Jim Jr. (webmaster), Destin and Elsie for their support and putting up with me for a month.  They are fun to be around.  A month is a long time to impose on their family.  But, I would do it again if they would have me.  And of course Georgia.  My biggest supporter and rescuer.  I don't know why a long time ago she didn't whack me along side of the head and say "What are you thinking?".  But she didn't and she found me in the Cascade Mountains and took me back home.  Now there is a gal for you.

Friday will be my 70th birthday. So to everyone that checked on me through my blog thanks for the great big birthday present.  JIM (The Silver Fox)

1 comment:

  1. Jim,

    Sounds like an excellent adventure, even if it wasn't entirely what you planned.

    Way to go! Happy early birthday!

